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This month’s energy is definitely much lighter with a sense of peace and calm returning to what has been a pretty fast-paced and unpredictable time. However, remember that the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse and the infamous Jupiter-Uranus conjunction will continue to send out vibrations of energetic change and surprise for many months.  So keep in mind what has been suggested by these energies and pay attention to the life area in your chart where they are most likely to play out these energies of necessary change.

Remember if you're not sure which area of your life is being affected you can book an online session with me so we can interpret your birth chart and make sense of the life area most affected by April's transits.  Just go to my website

to book.  Bookings are open for June and July then I'm not seeing clients in August and then bookings are available again from September.

A gentle reminder about being mindful of timezone differences. The booking system is set up for Central European Time. If you are wanting to book a session and your time zone is 12 hours behind or ahead of me please private e-mail me and I will manually find a suitable time. Likewise if you are based in the UK or Europe I suggest once again you private e-mail me to arrange a suitable time. For those of you in the United States you'll find the 4pm appointment that shows as available covers morning hours from 10am, 9am and 8am depending on your US time zone. I hope that clears up the potential confusion of booking with me. Email



So what can we expect during the Taurus season? Well with Jupiter our planet of luck, opportunity and expansion still in the last degrees of Taurus until May 26th when his fiery energies move into Gemini. Whilst still in Taurus we may be inclined to overindulge and overspend and I can confess to the latter as I lie in bed recovering as its being very hard to control my urge on various shopping sites to stop myself click/buying everything I see and with the Sun in Taurus conjoining Jupiter on the 18th of May just after my birthday on the 16th a truly fortunate energy to open the doorway to my 69th year I just, however, may have to hide my credit cards from myself!

Venus, the planet of love and relationship and the ruling planet of Taurus is also in its home sign from the end of April and by the 1st and 2nd of May is squaring transformative Pluto in Aquarius you may find a loved one needs some distance or alone time or it may indeed be you that needs this.  By the 2nd Pluto our planet of challenging change stations retrograde and prepares for his last sojourn into Capricorn from September 2nd until October when he stations direct to finally enter Aquarius for the next 20 years from November 20th.

Pluto stationing retrograde with the Sun in Taurus implores us to be mindful of our finances and it's more than likely that the recent bullish dealing in the stock market will take a bit of a hit especially when the Sun is conjunct Uranus around May 13th. This may be due to the continued unpredictability of what to expect on the World Stage courtesy of Uranus our planet of electric change and rebellion still being sparked off by its recent meeting with Jupiter.

As Pluto dives back towards Capricorn there is a sense that no one can get away with being anything but their true authentic self and Pluto is prepared at any cost to expose dark secrets that can bring about the positive change needed for the planet once revealed.

Image Credit: Paul Stanton


The new moon in Taurus is cosily close to Uranus Jupiter and Venus implying unexpected opportunities for indulgence, luxury and growth. Taurus is about the Earth, flowers, trees and nourishment, so I sense if our intentions are coming from a good place we can attract the abundance of Taurean growth via this new moon and potentially via unexpected sources.



Mercury our planet of ideas and communication enters Taurus on the 15th adding to the mix of positive energies in this abundant sign and suggesting the potential for socialising and abundant discussions. And now out of its shadow from its recent retrograde means that situations requiring deep thought and discussion get a green light to move forward productively.



The Sun enters Gemini on the 20th and brings us an ability for fresh thinking and new ideas and if the weather in your part of the world is conducive to outdoor gatherings there's a sense of joy and a more relaxed state of being especially as the Sun in its first few days will be in a helpful trine to Pluto now retrograde in Aquarius suggesting more light shed on hidden things giving us plenty to talk about.



A sense of optimism abounds around this Full Moon and it may well herald the end of difficult situations as there are revelations where the collective is more drawn to the higher frequencies of thought and communication.

Jupiter our planet of luck, optimism and higher frequency connection is of course the ruler of Sagittarius and therefore the ruler of the Full Moon as it glides majestically into Gemini on the 26th May and we will find our thoughts will be turning to higher-minded subjects in recognition that what was once just a vague idea and dream can be made manifest. I do believe that for those who are ready, the ability to tune into higher frequencies will enable them to allow their consciousness to expand and resonate at the frequencies represented by Jupiter's spiritual and expansive nature especially whilst it's in the air sign of Gemini.  These are truly exciting opportunities for humanity and with the loving presence of Venus in Gemini she bathes us in a protective layer of loving energy.

And finally, Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus on the 31st can bring surprising breakthroughs to what we may have thought were insoluble problems.



A much kinder month all around as long as we recognise the opportunities that arise and remind ourselves that it's only by taking risks that we grow.  Remember there are no wrong choices and the worst choice is to stay where you are as that can throw you down a rabbit hole of stagnation and procrastination.


Astrology by Penny Dix

Copyright April 30th 2024



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"Slow and steady wins the race."   Aesop

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