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Breaking free and transforming



This Full Moon in Capricorn is the second of 2 full moons in the austere sign of Capricorn thus it is known as a Blue Moon, however this has no astrological significance! What IS significant is that this Full Moon comes after the extraordinary conjunction of Mars and Uranus and Algol in Taurus and the unexpected shocks and unpredictable events that this conjunction may have brought.

Also, the first Capricorn Full Moon a month ago was at the 0° of Capricorn which underscores its power and this second Full Moon is at the 29° of Capricorn conjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius at the 1° of this sign thus the endings and changes brought in by this Full Moon have been long awaited and bring powerful change along with a careful need for timing with any restructuring that is required by the significant changes arriving at this time.

But what else is going on? Well, Mars our planet of assertion aggression and decisive actions is at 1° of Gemini thus making a helpful trine to transforming Pluto Rx in Aquarius at 1° This suggests assertive well thought through discussions about the way forward.

Both Mars in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus are in a supportive trine to the Capricorn Full Moon. This suggests the unexpected or surprising events surrounding this Full Moon will be shocking to some people. There will be a portion of society who may feel unhappy about the changes that come in implying heated debate.

The Sun still in Cancer trines Neptune Rx in Pisces suggesting the promise of realised dreams for some through shocking endings. And Chiron our deeply wounded Centaur in its square from Aries to both the Sun in Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn suggests it's difficult for some wounds to heal, at least in the short term.





With the growing demand in the United States for the current President to make way for a younger more appropriate candidate this Full Moon certainly suggests that a chain reaction already begun from the recent Mars Uranus conjunction in Taurus can see a difficult but necessary decision finally reached. Also the shocking events of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump will bring far-reaching and uncomfortable affairs to a head, thus the fallout from this can be far reaching.

Whilst Europe could experience shocking events also that cause the need to tighten security and borders.



On a personal level, we may find that any overdue changes will be imposed on us by external events. And even though some change may be painful it is very necessary for personal growth and to clear the ground for new situations and people to come in. So self honesty is required and the recognition that if we can let go with grace it empowers us to aspire to become the highest version of ourselves for the good of all.



There are painful lessons within this Full Moon as we are reminded that holding on to a past that has not served us or others well will need to be acknowledged, and this applies to our world leaders too. Capricorn represents government therefore if one governs one is in service to the people. Capricorn also represents tough lessons and setting appropriate boundaries and reminds us to learn the lessons set before us by Capricorn's ruling planet Saturn, currently retrograde in the sometimes illusory sign of Pisces.  If we do not do the work required by Saturn then the Cosmos will present external events leaving us no choice but to grow and change.

Life is a school of sorts and Capricorn is very much the teacher. And never forget that the Divine intelligence always has your back and never presents you with circumstances that you can't ultimately grow from.


Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 29°8’ time 10:16

Pluto Rx in Aquarius conjunct Full Moon in Capricorn

Mars in Gemini at 1° trine Pluto Rx in Aquarius and the Full Moon

Mars in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus trine the Full Moon

Mars in Gemini and Uranus in Taurus square Mercury in Leo

Neptune Rx in Pisces trine Sun in Cancer

Chiron in Aries square both the Sun in Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn


Above chart is for the Blue Full Moon in Capricorn.



12th JULY 2024




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