FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS MAY 23rd 2°54’ at 13:52
Pluto rx in Aquarius sextile the Full Moon in Sagittarius and trine the Sun in Gemini
Neptune in Pisces sextile Venus in Taurus Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus at 29°
Mars in Aries conjunct the North Node and applying to conjunct Chiron in Aries and pulling in the energy of Eris.

A sense of optimism abounds around this Full Moon and it may well herald the end of difficult situations as revelations abound and the collective is more drawn to the higher frequencies of thought and communication.
Jupiter our planet of luck, optimism and higher frequency connection is of course the ruler of Sagittarius and therefore the ruler of the Full Moon and is conjunct the ruler of Taurus, Venus, bringing some wonderful opportunities for the fulfilment of dreams just ahead of it gliding majestically into Gemini on the 26th May when we will find our thoughts will be turning to higher-minded subjects in recognition that what was once just a vague idea and dream can be made manifest. I do believe that for those who are ready, the ability to tune into higher frequencies will enable them to allow their consciousness to expand and resonate at the frequencies represented by Jupiter's spiritual and expansive nature especially whilst it's in the air sign of Gemini. These are truly exciting opportunities for humanity and with the loving presence of Venus in Gemini she bathes us in a protective layer of loving energy. Venus also brings good feelings in our close friendships and significant relationships and the opportunities for personal dreams to be brought a step closer to actualization.
And finally, Mercury's conjunction with Uranus in Taurus on the 31st can bring surprising breakthroughs to what we may have thought were insoluble problems.
A few days later on May 29th Mars will be conjunct Chiron in Aries. Mars, our ruler of fiery Aries will be pulling in the strident and rebellious energies of Eris the troublesome feminine and these 3 cosmic bodies are still part of a stellium held together by the North Node representing that which is meant to be. I suspect we will see a re emergence of the rebellious behaviour of the people in various parts of Europe let alone the rest of the world, fighting for democracy, freedom of speech and human rights. With Mars present some of these protests could get quite violent with abuse of power from the authorities resulting in serious injuries and god forbid worse.

On a personal level we may find we are on a short fuse with others and easily provoked so remember to take a step back and respond to any verbal attacks with thought and the wisdom of experience. Avoid the knee jerk reactions.
Take extra care with your health and walk don't run to catch the bus or you may trip yourself up. As always “Slow and steady wins the race.”
Astrology by Penny Dix
Copyright May 19th 2024
💗 Thank you Penny! Much Love ~ Many (healing) Blessings!