Feminine Energy
Ruled by the Moon
4th Sign of the Zodiac ruling home and family and our roots and ancestors
Cardinal Energy empowers them to initiate and be proactive.
The sign of Cancer has a profound deep sense of emotionality and feeling and is fiercely protective of its own with a strong need for security if you are on the right side of the Cancer individual you have an intuitive and empathic friend.
As a water sign Cancer can sometimes retreat into their shell and scuttle off under a rock caught up in their strong feeling side.
With the Moon as their ruler they have a direct line to an understanding of the cyclical nature of birth life and death. They are highly intuitive and they are natural mothers and as a Cardinal sign can have strong ideas about not only their own direction in life but also that of their children. Possessiveness and being too clingy can be one of their more negative aspects.
During Cancer season it can be helpful to embody and live out some of the more positive Cancerian energies especially if its you that needs the mothering and nurturing. So a good time to nurture ones own inner child and listen to that part of yourself to promote self care and personal growth. The rich inner world of the
Cancerian energy is a great time to express that side of oneself through nourishing ourselves with healthy nutritious food and creating a peaceful homely environment and to enjoy meal times with family and friends.

Mercury enters Leo and trines Neptune in Pisces on July 2nd
Neptune in Pisces turns retrograde on July 2nd
With Pisces in the spotlight as we start the month bringing in the element of water along side the sign of Cancer through the emotional depths of this element we may feel a growing sense of awareness that something has to shift or change. Is it something within our own psyche? Its as if we can't quite get hold of it. And with thought provoking communications expert Mercury entering Leo and trining Neptune in Pisces on the 2nd we may feel powerful and fiery emotions as we continue to try to make sense of certain feelings that seem difficult to access, however this same day Neptune stands still in the sky in the sign it rules Pisces, and begins a long retrograde process until 7th December.
With Neptune stationing retrograde at 29°55’ its as if it teeters on the precipice of a new Earth but needs to retreat to gather the force of its deepest depths to await Saturn, also in Pisces, to give it the direction and structure needed to begin a new journey around the Zodiac Wheel and carry us along with the energies from Pluto, who will soon fully occupy Aquarius, bringing the spirit and soul and energy of Pisces together with the higher frequencies of air and Divine connections experienced through Aquarius to birth a new Age of wisdom combined with youth and people power.
New Moon in Cancer July 5th at 14°23’ time 22:57
There's a strong urge through this New Moon with Venus our planet of love, relationship and self worth to find time to nurture ourselves and each other. Falling, as it does between 2 Full Moons in Capricorn. It strongly underlines the Mother Father authority and Cardinality. Are we still the child to our parents? Even though they may be long since gone. Growing up can take a lifetime.
All month this energy builds towards this potent conjunction on the 15th to then diminish in power over the rest of the month. So this volatile energy from Mars our planet of energy, action, assertion and aggression, as well as sexuality combines with the explosive and unpredictable planet of freedom and rebellion Uranus in Taurus. This energy can affect the way the whole month unfolds including the potential for planetary earth movements such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
We may also experience political earthquakes and bearing in mind that both the UK and France are having elections there may certainly be unexpected and shocking outcomes that can cause rebellion from the populace as an underlying element of fear spreads like wildfire. We may also see unexpected revelations and news about prominent people being involved in inappropriate sexual behaviour.
On a personal level this energy can be harnessed in a very positive way for example creating a vegetable garden and using your excess energy to dig down deep in the earth and get back to what life is really about. Its about the cycle of life and the need to reconnect with the earth energies and respect and honour our dependence on its fertility. As in ancient times the people would have read the angry grumblings of the earth as the planets complaint that its not being treated well.
Another manifestation of this energy on a personal level warns us to guard against accidents especially regarding electricity.
Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st 29°8’ time 10:16
Pluto Rx in Aquarius conjunct Full Moon in Capricorn
This second Full Moon in Capricorn at the 29° of the sign is conjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius at 00° so a particularly powerful and potentially disruptive Full Moon but marks a point in time which we may remember in the future as that moment when we realised we were finally “done” with a particular situation in our lives.
The Sun moves into the fiery and fixed sign of Leo on the 22nd of July just after the powerful second Full Moon in Capricorn. Bringing us the energy and determination to take bold steps forward along a new path we see unfolding before us.
(Rx means Retrograde)
30th June 2024
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Thank you Penny that was really helpful