Astrological overview for June
We start the month with the exact conjunction of Mercury our planet of communication the messenger for the Gods with unpredictable Uranus on May 31st. We may personally receive shocking or surprising news. And the world news can be full of shocks and twists and turns we didn’t see coming as this transit spills into the first few days of June.

Astrological transits
31st May Mercury conjunct Uranus at 24°
Venus in Gemini squares Saturn June 8th
Jupiter trines Pluto 1, 2, 3, 4, June
Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini trines Pluto 4th June
New Moon in Gemini 12:37 at. 16°17’
6th June a potent square to Saturn makes us feel we can't get moving so can feel blocked at every turn.
Mars in Taurus squares Pluto Rx in Aquarius 11th June
21st June Summer solstice 20:51 Sun enters Cancer 0°00’
Neptune in Pisces at 29°53 squares Sun Venus and Mercury in Cancer
Mars in Taurus sextile Sun Venus Mercury in Cancer
Pluto Rx in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini
Full Moon in Capricorn 22nd June 01:07 UT 1°06’
Moon opposing Sun into Cancer
The Sun Venus and Mercury are all widely conjunct opposite the Full Moon
Mercury in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus
Neptune at 29°54’ squares the Capricorn Full Moon
Planets in Cancer square Neptune in Pisces
29th June Saturn turns retrograde at 19°
All month Saturn is slowing us down
Below are some important dates for Saturn transits that you might want to make a note of.
Saturn moves into Aries May 2025
Neptune moves into Aries March 2025
Neptune enters Aries 26 Jan Aries
Saturn enters Aries 14 Feb 2026
Saturn conjunct Neptune 20 February 2026
Astrological overview for June
Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini on June 3rd and speeds up to conjunct the Sun on the 14th then speeds past to enter Cancer on the 17th of June. Venus also enters Cancer on the 17th redirecting our thoughts towards feelings and reconnecting with our intuition. So in general I think we’re going to find there is a lot happening on the world stage that gives us plenty to discuss.
Jupiter newly arrived in Gemini trines Transforming Pluto during the first few days of June. It’s as if we move into June full of expansive ideas and plans and allow ourselves to be distracted so that we are in danger of not using this wonderful transformative energy. And sitting back on our laurels. It would be a terrible shame to not take the actions required by this trine from Jupiter to Pluto as your ideas and communication skills can be on top form.
The New Moon in Gemini on the 6th can be tricky as it’s squared by Saturn in Pisces so once again we may find blocks at every turn as we try to enjoy the usual opportunities represented by New Moons and my sense is that the potential blocks to your plans are timely course directions from the Cosmos. Remember that your wilfulness to achieve can trip you up if you’re not meditating on the obstacles that can come your way. See them as Cosmic Divine gifts reminding you that the way of the Divine is the best path to follow and not the way of the ego forcing its way through the thick undergrowth of the forest.
Mars Square Pluto June 11th
This transit can be dangerous but let’s think about where this square is happening. Mars has just left its home sign of Aries where he has been able to exert his energy and assertive power and now here he is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus where he can feel a bit bogged down and stuck so that his inner rage that can’t be expressed so easily in Taurus a feminine sign can boil over into actions and events we really don’t want to be a party too.
By squaring Pluto Rx in Aquarius who is the God of all that is contained in the psychological shadow of our planet thus we can see reactive and dangerous behaviour. On a personal level be mindful of your own feelings of anger around issues in your life and take a step back and breathe as Mars in Taurus can bring out the raging bull in us.
On the world stage this energy can be particularly calamitous I’d avoid crowded place’s especially in areas where protests might be taking place as violence can spill over with dire consequences.
This energy is at its peak on the 11th June but remember that this uncomfortable energy will build from the New Moon in Gemini and be around lessening in its effects for a few days beyond the 11th. You have been warned
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces
Saturn in Pisces tries to create structure in an energy that is too unobtainable due to its numinous fluidity and liquidity. Pisces is so psychically aware that Pisces natives often feel spaced out, misunderstood and unable to express their depth of feeling.
Saturn turns retrograde on the 29th June in Pisces at 18°.
We have to also be fully aware of the increasing power of Neptune the ruler of Pisces due to its position right at the very final anoretic degree of Pisces and by the Full Moon in Capricorn on the 22nd June it will be at 29°54’. This emphasises the fact that it’s on the border of ending its 165 year journey around the Zodiac. Before it enters Aries. You may be wondering why this is so important. Neptune has been empowering our super consciousness and intuitive abilities ever since it entered Pisces in 2011 and it won’t fully enter Aries till 2026. Whether you’ve worked consciously or unconsciously with Neptunes energy now that Pluto is moving into Aquarius fully at the end of the year. It’s as if we’re having our neurological pathways upgraded to be able to cope with the expansion of our higher consciousness and to cope with our psychic abilities which can suddenly become second nature as we find ourselves fully connected to the Cosmic flow and to the Divine mind for collective and personal guidance.
How Do We Manage The Energies of June ?
Try not to focus on the destination let it unfold in the way its meant to be stay in the present this energy may be seducing you into an exciting bright future which doesn't mean you can't have that but it's so important to keep ones focus on the unfolding of the present day tasks that you need to do towards the manifestation of your passion but remember to allow the flexibility of the Divine navigation through the cosmic challenges and trust that even though when you feel you've finally arrived it may not be what you expected but it is in fact everything that you need to take you on the next steps of your journey.

Word of the month
“no” how good are you at saying “no” ?
Do you over explain ?
Do you justify your reason for “no”?
Do you say “yes” as it’s easier !
Astrology by Penny Dix
Copyright May 2024