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Jupiter moves into Gemini on May 25th

Jupiter quickly conjuncts Sedna on the 27th and then trines Pluto in Aquarius from May 30th for a few days.

By August 19th Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces at 17°

October 9th Jupiter goes retrograde at 21° until February 4th 2025 when it turns direct at 11°

Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th 2025



Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, known as a gas giant. It has a diameter of about 143,000 kilometres and is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is famous for its distinctive bands of clouds, including the Great Red Spot, a massive storm that has been raging for centuries. It has at least 79 known moons, including the four largest moons discovered by Galileo: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Jupiter's powerful magnetic field creates intense radiation belts, making it a hazardous environment for spacecraft.





Jupiter, known as Zeus in Greek mythology, is the king of the gods and the ruler of the heavens. He is the son of Saturn (Cronus) and Rhea. Jupiter is associated with thunder, lightning, and the sky. He is often depicted wielding a thunderbolt, and his symbols include the eagle and the oak tree. Jupiter was also known for his many romantic escapades and affairs with both goddesses and mortal women. He played a central role in many myths, including the Titanomachy (the war between the Titans and the Olympian gods) and the Gigantomachy (the battle between the giants and the gods).




In astrology, Jupiter represents expansion, growth, abundance, and opportunity. It is considered the planet of luck and good fortune, governing higher learning, philosophy, travel, and spirituality. Jupiter is associated with optimism and a sense of adventure. Its influence can bring about positive experiences, with opportunities for personal and spiritual growth, and a broadening of our horizons. However, we have to do something to gain the positive influence of Jupiter.  Because of its ability to make us sit back luxuriating in the feeling of everything in the garden being wonderful, it can cause us to sit on our laurels expecting luck or the lottery to just fall into our hands. Thus the first lesson of Jupiter, do the work, write the job application write that book or start that new project you feel passionately about otherwise this wonderful benevolent energy can go to waste! My therapist of many years ago used to remind me that everything comes at a price and that there are no free lunches.  The lazy undeveloped side of my psyche back then would gaze forlornly into space daunted by the implied effort involved in achieving my dreams.  Jupiter can just as easily represent an opportunity missed, so pay attention to any oppositions or squares in your chart to Jupiter as these are the hidden keys of how to achieve your longed-for dream.

In a birth chart, the placement of Jupiter can indicate where an individual may experience success, abundance, and generosity, as well as where they may seek to expand their knowledge and understanding of themselves and life.


They are likely to be open-minded, flexible, and eager to explore new ideas and experiences. Jupiter in Gemini fosters a love for variety and diversity, making these individuals versatile and adaptable in different situations. They may excel in fields related to writing, teaching, media, and communication.


However, there can also be a tendency towards restlessness and a scattering of energy, as Jupiter's expansive influence may lead to a desire for constant stimulation and change. Individuals with this placement need to focus their energies and cultivate depth in their pursuits rather than spreading themselves too thin. Overall, Jupiter in Gemini fosters a love for learning, communication, and intellectual exchange.



Jupiter in Gemini combines the expansive optimistic energy of Jupiter with the curious, adaptable qualities of Gemini. This placement encourages intellectual growth, communication and the pursuit of knowledge. If you have Jupiter in Gemini when you were born you may have a natural talent for learning languages and exploring diverse subjects. You will love meeting new people and asking them all about themselves and will work hard at drawing them into lively discussions.



So what can we expect throughout the rest of 2024 and in to mid 2025 with the exuberant energy of Jupiter in Gemini?

Jupiter is conjunct our Inuit Sea Goddess Sedna virtually as soon as he enters Gemini. This can bring waves of change within the realms of an underestimation of the power of the feminine and we can see women of prominence finally being listened to.

By the end of May and for several days, Jupiter's energy combines via a trine to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.  So mutable flexible air sign Gemini is linked by the fixed and rebellious energy of Aquarius. Bearing in mind Jupiter's expansive energy and Pluto's transformative power we could well see victory for anyone who is trying to break through and break free from the old order. The staid traditional and shadow side of the masculine attempt to hold on to their tenuous grip of power in the troubled areas of the planet. As I write this the people are fighting for freedom from restrictive regimes dominated by Russia in Georgia.  And Iran has just lost its President in a helicopter crash leaving a potential power vacuum and an opportunity for the Divine Feminine to re emerge. We will see more of this kind of action over the months ahead this is people power and the kind of energy that brought down the Berlin Wall.

Also on the world stage, we may see some far-fetched ideas arising as potential solutions to some of the world's problems are suggested and again most probably by the shadow side of the masculine. And by August 19th when Jupiter in Gemini squares Saturn our planet of restrictions in Pisces at17°certain world leaders may feel they've had the wind taken out of their sails as they drown in a Piscean confusion of the best way forward. Dilute this down for your personal situations as your fantastic ideas get reduced to serious discussions that need to take place.


On October 9th Jupiter turns retrograde at 21° until February 4th 2025 at 11°. Thus we get some respite from overthinking in a grandiose way and touch base with reality to search and discover the solutions we seek.



Think back to 2012 and 2013 as that was the last time Jupiter was in Gemini so ponder upon what was unfolding for you then and how you were feeling as this will give you a sense of how you may be feeling this time round. I believe this placement can bring lucky opportunities if you have any of the personal planets here in Gemini in your natal chart.  I had lucky opportunities come my way back in 2013 which involved a featured extra part in a Hollywood Movie it was hugely exciting but I'm bound by a confidentiality agreement so cannot discuss it. But it certainly was an amazing experience and whether I made the best of the opportunity in meeting some influential people at that time, I don't know. I think the timing was not quite right for me as I was living on a knife edge waiting for the decree Absolute of my short disastrous marriage.



But what will Jupiter's gift be when it has traversed the sign of Gemini? Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is the co-ruler of Pisces along with Neptune.  Sagittarius is a fiery masculine sign and empowers us to reach for higher states of awareness and consciousness.  So with the thought-provoking Gemini energy, we may well find ourselves yearning to understand more about the mind and the power of positive intent especially as Pluto's new residence in Aquarius is all about expansion of the mind and higher consciousness therefore by the time Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9th 2025 I suspect collectively and individually we will have become more mindful, thoughtful and curious about the power of thought and indeed as Eckhart Tolle said The Power Of Now.


Astrology by Penny Dix

Copyright 20/05/2024


1 Comment

Anni Cree
Anni Cree
May 28, 2024

Thank you for this most positive insight to the stars appreciate it very much

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