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How are you surviving this crazy roller coaster we call life?! We've been having some vibrant energy, to put it mildly.  The Pluto-Jupiter trine has been our saving grace from the darker energies of the Mars-Pluto square this week.  If you have not checked out my live stream video from Sunday night its worth a viewing as I explain the above energies. Just think red rag to a Bull and you'll get the picture.



My blog for the Summer Solstice will be available to read on the website in the next couple of days and a couple of days later my Full Moon in Capricorn blog will also be available on the website.

And of course, the pre-recorded videos for a much more in-depth look at these two events will be available on my YouTube channel too.  The LIVE JULY MONTH AHEAD will be on Sunday the 30th of June incorporating the week ahead. As a Monday is not the best day to do a live. I'm working on quality, not quantity so fewer videos but more powerful content.



I'm really enjoying connecting with you all again on my live weekly show on a Sunday and a BIG THANK YOU for all your support and brilliant live chat and also the comments received when the video is viewed afterwards.

And I'm so enjoying meeting my clients again both old and new. Thank you for entrusting me with my interpretation of your birth chart and my intuitively guided sense of how each of you can work with the current transits.

One or two of you have mentioned my videos are more psychology than astrology.  But I see that as a positive as it's only when we can use astrological guidance to understand ourselves better that we can grow.  The biggest challenges of life are learning about and understanding our shadow in other words our dark and negative side. Once we have got a handle on that understanding then it empowers us to take responsibility for ourselves and live out the positive side of the astrological transits that strive to teach and guide us.  In my opinion psychology and self-development walk hand in hand with astrology. They are a perfect Juno ( the asteroid of love marriage and relationship) match. Then add Venus in to the mix and we have the opportunity to understand more about the complexities of the self and the relationship we have with the self and others thus discovering our value and self-confidence to begin working with the other energies represented by the various cosmic bodies. The prediction side of astrology becomes clearer with the marriage of Astrology and Psychology as we then have the necessary tools to make the best decisions for our preferred timeline to follow from the possibilities laid out before us from the Astrological transits. This is how we become the masters of our destinies and not the victims of it.

But enough philosophizing for now!





This ambiguous statement is not just about me! It's actually what we all feel when lost in Neptunian fog caused by its location at the final anorectic degree of Pisces.

So I'll go first! I've found the Mars Pluto square tough going like being stuck in mud I guess that's the Taurus Bull in a heavy down pour but I'm making good progress in my continuing recovery from my back surgery, even though its really tough at times and finding the discipline to do my exercises. And I still need plenty of rest lying down as opposed to sitting as sitting is still very tough for me.

Other news is my weight loss is helping me enormously and I've become a vegetarian, I've flirted with it for years and now something clicked in my brain and psyche and I can no longer stomach meat. My digestive health is a hundred per cent better and I had no idea all these years that I was just on the wrong diet for me. 

I'm not fully back seeing clients till September I've realised I need to put myself first but I'm continuing as you know with my videos. But I feel I have to stay in the Neptunian fog whilst I continue to process what has unfolded for me during the first half of this year.  Maybe we're all in a similar place with so much potential change in the world hovering on the horizon.



Please let me know how you're doing in the comments section and as much as is humanly possible I do my best to answer your questions as you all know.

If you would like to book a session go to the page on this website to select your slot.

Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is a time to slow down as the outer planets reflect with their forthcoming retrograde movements.  And in the Southern Hemisphere it’s also time to enjoy the winter and snuggle up with a good book.

Take good care of all your lovely selves and I will see you very soon.






1 Comment

Anni Cree
Anni Cree
Jun 16, 2024

So glad u are a vegetarian now I have been for years a vegan it's healthier for you my question is why am I still in this place I try so hard to manifest a place to live and I'm still here in spite of readers telling me to get ready to move I'm still here

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"Slow and steady wins the race."   Aesop

©2024 by Penny Dix Astrology. Website created by Andrea Britton

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