Have you survived the solar storms and flares? For those of us including myself who are not up to speed with Solar and Space weather, I lifted this off-chat GPT:
“Solar flares and storms, including X-class flares, can have various effects on Earth. They can disrupt satellite communications, cause power grid fluctuations, and create stunning auroras. In extreme cases, they might pose risks to astronauts and aviation systems. Governments and space agencies closely monitor solar activity to mitigate potential impacts.”

And this from
“THE STORM IS NOT OVER: A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on May 10th, sparking the biggest geomagnetic storm in almost 20 years--an extreme (category G5) event. It is subsiding now (currently category G3), but it is not over. More CMEs are expected to hit Earth's magnetic field during the next 24-48 hours, and they could push the storm back to severe or even extreme levels.
So there we go this is what can explain unusual moods tiredness and also hyperactivity.
I think what's fascinating is that as I've often talked about in my videos our Sun is a massive Star a huge ball of fire, plasma and goodness knows what else whose gravitational pull keeps our Solar System in its orbit and prevents us hurtling off into the far reaches of our universe.
I mean did you know that Neutrinos from the Sun interact very weakly with matter, making them difficult to detect. However, they constantly stream through our bodies and the Earth, passing through virtually everything without any noticeable effect. Despite their abundance (billions pass through every square centimeter of your body every second), their lack of interaction means they have negligible impact on us. However, they play a crucial role in understanding the Sun's nuclear processes and the fundamental laws of physics.
I think within the parameters of astrology understanding the role our Sun plays in our lives is massively important. The ruler of regal Leo. And its symbolism of representing the heart and soul of every living being including plant life. And talking of the Sun it's heating up here in Gozo and I'm hoping the warmth will help in my healing process.
The Sun represents our health as it is the symbol of life. And as it moves towards the final degrees of Taurus it will in turn conjunct Uranus bringing what I think we've been experiencing the Solar Storms and a collective awakening via the benefits of social media as we all learn the importance of the sun activity and it's powerful influence in our lives. A few days later the Sun will conjunct Jupiter at the 28th degree of Taurus and on the 21st of May the Sun will move into Gemini. The Sun/Jupiter energy on the 19th of May can see us being overindulgent in the cake department or indulging in a massive spending spree. So a few days around this time we will need some conscious mindfulness if you're watching your finances or your waistline.
There's a lovely conjunction between Venus and Jupiter on the 23rd at the anorectic degree 29°of Taurus. This can be used beneficially in several ways. Firstly I can see the potential for a general relaxing around world finances and hopefully personally too secondly it's a great combination for positive developments in personal relationships and finally, we should all be in a better frame of mind and feel much more confident and positive about our futures.
We still have a Full Moon to come on the 23rd of May in Sagittarius. A Separate blog to come for that and I plan a short pre-recorded video for the Full Moon as I start to take some more baby steps back towards my channel.
Jupiter moves into Gemini on the 25th of May bringing a noticeable change to the energy as it takes up residence in this airy thoughtful sign and we will all have plenty to say once Jupiter is in Gemini.
So coming soon!
Full Moon in Sagittarius blog and video.
And I'm hoping to resume my live week ahead forecasts by the beginning of June and the first live will be a combined look at the month ahead and key aspects of the following week. So that will be on Saturday, June 1st at 18:00 CEDT
The final video in the Outer Planet series ‘Jupiter’ will be available towards the beginning of June which links in with Jupiter's entry into Gemini.
Just a reminder about booking a session. Times are limited. As I want you to get the best of me and not a burnt-out Penny! I'm not taking clients in August, but there will be regular videos. So there are still slots available in June and July then not till September. If you have problems with the booking system then please do email me at

May 12th 2024
Copyright Penelope Dix
Thanks Penny. I hope you are healing quickly and completely! Sometimes life requires baby steps. My niece used to say," It's an elephant, eat it one bite at a time".
Thank you Penny