NEW MOON IN CANCER 5th JULY 2024 at 14°23’ time 22:57
There's a strong urge through this New Moon with Venus our planet of love, relationship and self-worth conjunct this New Moon in Cancer to find time to nurture ourselves and each other. Falling, as it does between 2 Full Moons in Capricorn. It strongly underlines the Mother Father authority and Cardinality. Are we still the child to our parents? Even though they may be long since gone. Is this New Moon inviting us to let go of our parental bonds?
To have faith that the lessons proposed through Saturn giving form to that that is formless root us in our home and that like the Cancerian namesake the crab we carry our home with us all the time as it's within us wherever we are.
Saturn newly retrograde in Pisces is in a harmonious and gentle trine to this New Moon implying and encouraging us to take it easy, be at peace and that all shall become clear and be revealed at the right time.

This Cancer New Moon comes the day after the people voted in the UK elections. So it certainly represents a fresh start for the people of the UK. But what does the astrology suggest the outcomes will be?
Venus conjunct the moon in Cancer implies that people will quite obviously be prioritising the security of their homes and enough finances to ensure that. I think we can safely say there’ll be a change of government but it also feels like many people will have chosen to stay home and not vote as a silent protest.
I have looked briefly at the chart of Nigel Farage the comeback politician of the Reform party and the general trend across Europe is to the Right.
Nigel Farage is Sun Aries and Moon Sagittarius with a Virgo ascendant. He's certainly arriving on the scene full of well-thought-through and tough observations that will rattle the old-school politicians who have held court over us all for so long.
With Mars coming up to conjunct Uranus in Taurus we may well see political earthquakes and surprising changes that shock the old-school way of doing things to the core.
I feel this New Moon is bringing up feelings of us moving towards living quietly in smaller communities and becoming self-sufficient by growing and farming our own food. We will be craving the peace and calm of home by setting some personal boundaries and reassessing our values to take back our power that has slowly seeped away into bureaucracy as we become aware of how we have become pawns in other people's visions for the future and not the lead in our vision of our personal and collective vision for the future.
Set your intentions for core family and home values to be honoured. By setting firm personal boundaries and saying “no” to people and events that don't positively feed you. This helps you feel empowered again and back on your soul path and your self-respect will improve which makes other people aware that they need to respect you and your values and boundaries.
Venus conjunct New Moon in Cancer
Saturn Rx in Pisces trine New Moon in Cancer
Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus
Neptune Rx in Pisces trine Venus in Cancer
Pluto Rx in Aquarius opposite Mercury in Leo
Pluto Rx in Aquarius trine Uranus in Taurus
Chiron in Aries Trine Venus in Cancer

Thank you Penny