New Moon in Taurus conjuncts Venus in Taurus and conjuncts Uranus and Jupiter who are still in the energy of their conjunction.
Saturn in Pisces sextile the New Moon
Chiron conjunct Mercury in Aries and the North Node.

The new moon in Taurus is cosily close to Uranus Jupiter and Venus implying unexpected opportunities for indulgence, luxury and growth. Taurus is about the Earth, flowers, trees and nourishment, so I sense if our intentions are coming from a good place we can attract the abundance of Taurean growth via this new moon and potentially via unexpected sources. The intentions we set around this new moon need to be in harmony with the timing and patience required by the slow-growth energies that are in harmony with the sign of Taurus. Saturn in Pisces in sextile to this new moon supports the patience needed for those things of value that we wish to manifest to take root and grow.
The manifestation of that which we value is not necessarily about objects or luxury goods but about the timeless value of achievement in one's soul path growth, or in whichever life path is highlighted by the house placement of this new moon.
We still have the dynamic energies in play from unpredictable Uranus and fortunate and expansive Jupiter. And Venus our planet of love and relationship also conjunct this new moon brings, as the ruler of Taurus, a sense of true feel-good energies if we can but step out of our own way and allow the Cosmos to work her magic of manifestation into our lives.
Something worth having is worth waiting for and the inner growth from embracing the earth's energies supplied by Taurus reminds us that above all our new moon intention should be for planet earth to heal and find the ways she requires to heal the damage.
With Mercury our planet of communication conjunct our space object Chiron in Aries known for his wound that would not heal. The implication shows us that the healing intent sent out to the planet can be enormously powerful. The fact that they bring the North Node into play underlines our need to intend healing for the planet to ensure the survival of humankind.
Never was there a new moon where my favourite phrase was so apt: “Slow and steady wins the race” by Aesop.
Let's remind ourselves of the story: The story of the Tortoise and the Hare is a classic fable by Aesop. It tells the tale of a slow-moving tortoise who challenges a fast hare to a race. Despite the hare's overconfidence and speed, the tortoise wins by maintaining a steady pace while the hare becomes distracted and overconfident, taking a nap during the race. The moral of the story is that "slow and steady wins the race."
So don't rush to get to the future. Don't become dazzled by shiny sparkling things. But have faith that you're absolutely where you're meant to be now and that everything you need will come to you at the perfect time. And remember that's not always what we think we want but the value in receiving what we need is priceless.

Astrology by Penny Dix
Copyright May 1st 2024